Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 1, Issue : 2, Year : 2018
Article Page : 29-33
Adolescence is a vulnerable period in the human life cycle for the development of nutritional anaemia. Most of the health care services in India are for mother and child group. The main objectives of the study were to assess the prevalence of anaemia and to identify the correlates of anaemia among adolescent girls. Thisstudywasconducted inselected higher secondary schools in Thiruvananthapuram Corporation. The sample size was 560 and cluster sampling was used as the sampling technique. An interview with the students were doneto identify it's correlates and hemoglobin estimation was done by using WHO hemoglobin colour scaleto identify the prevalence of anaemia. It is evident fromthestudythatprevalence of anaemia in adolescent girls was 48.9%and correlateslikesocio demographic factors, menstrual pattern and intake of iron and folic acid tablets hadsignificantassociationwiththeprevalence of anaemia.
Keywords: Prevalence, Correlates, Anaemia, Adolescence, 1. Staff Nurse, Sree avitom thirunal hospital, Medical college, thiruvananthapuram, 2. Asociate professor, Govt. college of nursing, medical college, Thiruvananthapuram, 3. Additional professor, department of pediatrics, Sree avittom thirunal hospital medical college, Thgiruvananthapuram.
How to cite : Sateena S., Premaletha T., Geelha S., Prevalence and correlates of anaemia among adolescent girls. J Paediatr Nurs Sci 2018;1(2):29-33
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