Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 1, Issue : 1, Year : 2018
Article Page : 25-28
Introduction: Trichobezoar is a rare condition due to accumulation of hair within gastrointestinal tract with varied presentation from asymptomatic to intestinal obstruction, perforation.
Case characteristics: 10 year old girl presenting with mass per abdomen.
Outcome: Large Gastric Trichobezoar confirmed on upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, removed by laparotomy. Postoperative period is uneventful.
Message: Trichobezoar must be considered as one of the differential diagnosis in young girls presenting with mass per abdomen or with nonspecific abdominal complaints.
Keywords: Mass per abdomen, Trichobezoar.
How to cite : Surender K, Prasad S, Jyostna A, Sangeetha V, A rare case report of mass per abdomen in a young girl. J Paediatr Nurs Sci 2018;1(1):25-28
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