Obesity in children

Original Article

Author Details : E Deena

Volume : 1, Issue : 1, Year : 2018

Article Page : 15-16

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We all want our kids to be healthy, but when we shower too much of love by buying all kinds of foods that the kids like, it causes obesity at a very young age. It is a well known fact that obesity in children as well as adolescents is a very severe health burden. Obesity needs to be treated as early as possible in children because when the treatment is delayed, it can lead to not only early morbidity, but also early mortality. It is a challenge to first identify the children who are obese and then try to change their lifestyle.
Many estimates say that there are more than 22 million children below the age of 5, who are obese. It is also known that every child in 10 is overweight.
Our children are getting fatter with every passing year. Around 2 percent of urban Indian kids are obese, 8-10 percent of them are overweight, and the number of children being a victim of obesity is growing. One thing we can say is that –“Child Obesity in India on the Rise.”

Keyword: Unhealthy eating patterns.

How to cite : Deena E, Obesity in children. J Paediatr Nurs Sci 2018;1(1):15-16

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