Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 4, Year : 2024
Article Page : 135-148
Background: Preserving patient safety is a critical responsibility of nurses. Missed nursing care, which refers to the loss of care during a patient's hospitalization, has been identified as a significant issue in acute care hospitals in various countries. However, the assessment of nursing care in Hadhramout hospitals remains limited.
Study: This study aimed to assess the knowledge and satisfaction of nurses and identify factors that affect nursing care in Hadhramout hospitals.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted, involving 407 nurses selected from governmental hospitals along the Hadhramout coast. Data were collected using a questionnaire.
Results: The findings revealed that approximately two-thirds (62.9%) of nurses had moderate knowledge regarding missed nursing care, with only 25% of them providing a clear definition of missing care. The majority of nurses (95.8%) agreed on the importance of preventive precautions in ensuring patient safety. Additionally, a significant percentage of nurses (91.9% and 78.9% respectively) reported that increased working hours and inadequate environmental conditions negatively affected their psychological well-being. Furthermore, only 19.4% of nurses cited the lack of availability of medical devices as an example of missed nursing care.
Conclusion: The study concluded that a majority of nurses possessed moderate knowledge about missed nursing care, with a limited understanding of the concept. Nurses acknowledged the significance of preventive precautions in maintaining the quality of nursing care. However, they expressed dissatisfaction with the number of nurses in the hospital, as it hindered their ability to take leave, although they were generally satisfied with their working hours.
Keywords: Knowledge, Missed nursing care, Hospital, Hadhramout
How to cite : Al-hebshi H S, Bamarouf M S, Bamahdi K S, Knowledge of nurses about missed nursing care and its factors in governmental hospitals in the coastal region of hadhramout-Yemen. J Paediatr Nurs Sci 2024;7(4):135-148
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Received : 30-07-2024
Accepted : 20-09-2024
Viewed: 196
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