Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 1, Year : 2024
Article Page : 34-37
Neonatal symptomatic spontaneous pneumothorax particularly in term newborns with no underlying lung diseases is a rare occurrence. Despite continued advances in neonatal medicine, studies of spontaneous symptomatic pneumothorax in neonatal are limited, particularly in Indonesia. In this case report, we present a spontaneous pneumothorax in a previously healthy newborn with no notable risk factors. The newborn developed signs of respiratory distress with significant oxygen desaturation. The pneumothorax was resolved fully with careful observation, CPAP as respiratory support, and without thoracentesis nor chest tube drainage. Early recognition is crucial to prevent complications. Expectant management can be safely considered in newborns with primary spontaneous pneumothorax particularly in resource-limited healthcare settings.
Keywords: Neonatal pneumothorax, Spontaneous pneumothorax, Term neonate, Air leak syndrome, Respiratory distress syndrome, Case report
How to cite : Marsogi M, Rompis J L, Expectant management in symptomatic spontaneous pneumothorax in a newborn: A case report. J Paediatr Nurs Sci 2024;7(1):34-37
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Received : 11-12-2023
Accepted : 20-02-2024
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