Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 4, Year : 2023
Article Page : 136-143
Aim: The present study was aimed to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programon knowledge regarding blood donation among adults at selected urban area of Rewa (M.P).
Background: Blood donation must be increased in half countries of world so that reliable supply of safe blood shall be available to dependent patients. Globally the collection of blood donations are around 108 million and most of them or nearly 50% of them are from prosperous countries. It is found that high income countries have nine times higher blood donation collection with respect to low-income countries. The reason for taking this study was to spread the knowledge regarding blood donation and also creating awareness.
Materials and Methods: On the basis of selected objective, the nature of the study and to accomplish the objectives of the study quantitative research approach was found to be appropriate and pre-experimental one group pre-test post-test design was used in this study. Sample consists of 60 adults from the selected urban area of Rewa, non-probability purposive sampling technique was used for the selection of subjects. In this study independent variable is the Structured Teaching programme on knowledge regarding blood donation and dependent variables is knowledge regarding blood donation. The instrument used for the study was sociodemographic variables and self-structured questionnaire. The knowledge of adults regarding blood donation was assessed before and after administration of the Structured Teaching Program and the data were analysed by using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: The calculated chi-square value obtained for age and pretest score 10.015 which is lower than the tabulated value at, p value <0>0.05, which is statistically significant. The calculated chi-square value obtained for marital status is 19.0749 which is higher than the tabulated value at, p value >0.05, which is statistically highly significant. The calculated chi-square value obtained for dietary pattern and pretest is 5.0225 which is lower than the tabulated value at, p value <0> 0.05, which is statistically highly significant. The calculated chi-square value obtained for source of information 11.0857 which is lower than the tabulated value at, p value < 0>
Conclusion: The conclusion was drawn from the finding of the study was the adults did not have adequate knowledge regarding blood donation. The required information regarding blood donation will definitely lead to promote awareness and build healthy society.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Structured Teaching Program, Knowledge, Blood Donation
How to cite : Prajapati A, Singh S, Kushwaha P, Bamaniya S, A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding blood donation among adults at selected urban area of Rewa (M.P). J Paediatr Nurs Sci 2023;6(4):136-143
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Received : 16-09-2023
Accepted : 18-10-2023
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