Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 2, Year : 2023
Article Page : 69-72
Introduction: Knowledge and attitude are essential for the proper handling of medico-legal records. A healthcare professional with a good understanding of the law and the proper procedures for documenting and preserving records will be better equipped to protect themselves and their patients in the event of a legal dispute. A positive attitude towards medico-legal records will also help to ensure that they are handled in a timely and accurate manner. The study aims to assess the knowledge and attitude towards handling medical-legal records among nurses.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 150 nurses from various government hospitals in South India. Convenient sampling was used to select the participants. A sociodemographic scale, knowledge questionnaires, and a Likert scale were used to collect data. Data was coded in Excel and analyzed using IBM SPSS version 26.
Results: The results of the study indicate that a significant portion of the nurses had average knowledge (64%) and a considerable number had poor knowledge (36%) regarding the handling of medical-legal records. None of the participants showed a good level of knowledge. In terms of attitude, 68% of the nurses displayed a moderate attitude, 26% had a low attitude, and only 6% exhibited a high level of attitude towards the subject.
Conclusion: The study found that nurses had average knowledge and moderate attitude towards handling medico-legal records. However, there were gaps in knowledge and low attitude, which highlights the need for interventions and educational programs.
Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Medical Legal Records, Nurses
How to cite : Saraswathi D, Jose E, Knowledge and attitude towards handling medical-legal records among nurses. J Paediatr Nurs Sci 2023;6(2):69-72
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Received : 07-06-2023
Accepted : 25-07-2023
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