A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding preparation of mother about correct breastfeeding technique among primi antenatal mothers at selected hospital of Indore city

Original Article

Author Details : Vandana Tiwari*, Anu V. Kumar

Volume : 5, Issue : 4, Year : 2022

Article Page : 185-192


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Introduction: The present study was carried out to find out the awareness of mother related to breast feeding technique. Breastfeeding is the ideal method suited for the psychological and physiological needs of children. Most of the mothers don't know the correct technique of breast feeding. This leads to many unnoticed and biased problems in babies and lactating mothers. These include improper nutrition to baby, altered growth, Oral thrush, low secretion of milk, inadequate feeds, nipple problems etc. There are few simple ways to practice the art of breast feeding techniques like starting breast feeding immediately after birth, proper positions, latching up and burping up the baby. Minor problems may occur during breast-feeding. But with proper planning, knowledge, and support, mothers can overcome these challenges and continue breast-feeding. Before the baby is born, attending classes, reading books, and watching videos that demonstrate breast-feeding techniques will help the mothers in promoting breast feeding practice. Materials and Methods: An experimental study with one group pre-test post test design, an evaluator research approach was used to find out the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on mothers knowledge regarding correct position and breast feeding technique. The sample consist of 60 mothers who were admitting in SAIMS Hospital, Indore city. The samples were chosen by convenient purposive sampling technique. The data was collected prior and after the structured teaching programme by a structured questionnaire.
Results: The data was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. The knowledge gained through video assisted teaching was found to be highly effective in gaining knowledge. The t- value found to be 28.9with standard error 0.271. The mean pre test 4.75 and post mean test 12.62. The demographic variable such as age, educational status, job, source of information and nutritional status found to be significant.
Conclusion: The video assisted teaching programme was found to be effective in teaching the primigravida mother about the breast feeding technique, it found to be effective for mothers. It was well appreciated and accepted by the mother. The more researches on failure to thrive will find better outcome for obstetrics and gynaecology department.

Keywords: Test guide is significant i.e 20.12 at the 12 degree of freedom and at the, PGA: Primi gravida antenatal, VAT: video assisted teaching

How to cite : Tiwari V, Kumar A V, A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding preparation of mother about correct breastfeeding technique among primi antenatal mothers at selected hospital of Indore city. J Paediatr Nurs Sci 2022;5(4):185-192

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Article History

Received : 22-11-2022

Accepted : 20-12-2022

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https://doi.org/ 10.18231/j.ijpns.2022.030

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