Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 3, Year : 2022
Article Page : 108-113
Background: Preterm neonates need an alternative method of feeding before breastfeeding.
Aim : To compare the Nifty cup with Katori-spoon feeding in preterm neonates on full gavage feeds and deemed fit for oral feeding.
Materials and Methods: This open-label, parallel, randomized controlled trial will be done at the step-down unit of a tertiary care center in Northern India. We will include preterm neonates (< 34>
We will do intention to treat analysis. All data will be analyzed using SPSS version 23 statistical software for Windows. We will do a regression analysis to determine if the intervention is an independent predictor of time to full oral feeds after adjusting for pre-specified variables like gestational age, birth weight, and PMA at enrolment.
Discussion: The study will provide evidence on the best feeding method for feeding preterm neonates. This evidence will guide nurses/health care professionals in deciding the feeding method for preterm infants.
Keywords: NIFTY Cup, Katori-spoon, Feeding, Preterm neonates, Cup feeding.
How to cite : Gujjar N, Kalyan G, Kumar J, Kumar P, Nifty cup versus katori-spoon feeding in preterm infants – Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. J Paediatr Nurs Sci 2022;5(3):108-113
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Received : 07-05-2022
Accepted : 28-07-2022
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