The effectiveness of computer assisted programme on knowledge and practice regarding immediate care of patients with myocardial infarction among staff nurses

Review Article

Author Details : Phibina Chilate*

Volume : 5, Issue : 3, Year : 2022

Article Page : 101-107

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Background of The Study: Myocardial destruction was observed but not modified by the cardiologist. It has become increasingly clear that to make a real impact on the prognosis of patients with myocardial infarction. The goal of medical management is to minimize myocardial damage, preserve myocardial function, and prevent complications. the researcher felt the need to assess the effectiveness of computer assisted programme on  knowledge & Practice Regarding immediate care of patient with myocardial infarction among staff nurses in admitted in selected wards of Jawaharlal Nehru Hospital & Research centre sector -9 Bhilai C.G.
Materials and Methods: The purpose of experimental study was to study, observe and explore the cause and effect relationship of a situation. In this study the design used in Quasi Experimental one group pre-test and post test research design. The setting for present study is Jawaharlal Nehru Hospital & Research Centre Sector -9 Bhilai C.G. In this study a total of 30 samples for assessment of knowledge & practice of Jawaharlal Nehru Hospital & Research Centre Sector -9 Bhilai C.G. Non- Probability Purposive Sampling technique was used for selecting the sample.
Result: The comparison of knowledge score between pre test & post test in which 20%(6) subjects were in Average , 76.67%(26) subjects were in Good, 3.33%(1) subjects were in Excellent pre test knowledge score regarding immediate  care of myocardial infarction patient. In Post test knowledge level the majority of staff nurse’s 46.67% (14) subjects in Excellent knowledge level & 53.33% (16) were in Good knowledge regarding immediate care of myocardial infarction patients. Pre test Mean Knowledge score was 10.53, Mean %  was 43.88%, S.D of pre test knowledge score was 2.9 & CV  was 27.54 & post test Mean  knowledge score was 16.54, Mean % was  68.33%, S.D  of post test knowledge score was 2.95 & C.V of  post test was 17.99. The Practice score of Pre test Mean was 12, mean % was 50% with S.D 1.88 & C.V was 15.67 & Post test practice Mean score was 19.87, mean % was 82.79 with S.D 2.34 & C.V was 11.78.
Conclusion: Prevalence of acute myocardial infarction as the first manifestation of ischemic heart disease is high, approximately 50%. Hypertensive individuals more frequently have symptoms preceding acute myocardial infarction, probably due to ventricular hypertrophy associated with high blood pressure levels.

Keywords: Myocardial Infarction, CHF - congestive heart failure, C.G. - Chhattisgarh

How to cite : Chilate P, The effectiveness of computer assisted programme on knowledge and practice regarding immediate care of patients with myocardial infarction among staff nurses. J Paediatr Nurs Sci 2022;5(3):101-107

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Article History

Received : 13-06-2022

Accepted : 01-09-2022

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Article DOI 10.18231/j.ijpns.2022.017

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