Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 4, Year : 2020
Article Page : 131-137
Disaster is a natural or man- made event that negatively affects life, property, livelihood or industry Disaster preparedness and planning is an inter-sectoral exercise. It is the responsibility of the health care professionals to stimulate and co-ordinate. In December 30th 2012 last thane cyclone which left 7 persons dead in Pondicherry and several homeless. Conceptual frameworks act like a map that gives coherence to empirical inquiry. It is a set of coherent ideas or concepts organized in a manner that makes them easy to communicate to others.
The objectives of the study were to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of women before and after STP, to find the effectiveness of STP and associate pretest knowledge, attitude and practice scores with selected demographic variables and develop the conceptual model.
A one group pre-test and post-test research design was used with non randomized quota sampling technique. Data collection was done using a structured interview to assess the level of knowledge, attitude and practice regarding disaster preparedness and triage.
The mean score obtained for overall knowledge was 5.4 SD 0.4 which shows the subjects had poor knowledge on disaster preparedness and triage. The mean score for pre-test attitude is 3.2 and SD 4.3 which shows unfavourable attitude towards disaster preparedness and triage. Wilcoxon signed rank test was computed for knowledge and attitude, pre-test and post-test. The obtained Z value -4.716, -4.410 were significant at P<0>
significant (Z= -1.301, P= 0.191).
The findings led to the conceptual framework based on Modified General System Theory by J W Kenny.
Keywords: Conceptual framework, STP on disaster management, KAP.
How to cite : Navaneetha M , Shobana S, Sunar K , Mathew L , Abraham S K, Muang V T, Conceptual model for STP on knowledge, attitude and practice regarding disaster preparedness and triage. J Paediatr Nurs Sci 2020;3(4):131-137
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Received : 23-12-2020
Accepted : 30-12-2020
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