Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 4, Year : 2020
Article Page : 104-111
The fundamental unit of any society is the family. The family is usually the major source of the basic necessities of life and health, love and tenderness, adequate food, clean water, a place and time for rest, clothing and sanitation. Family is one of the major factors which influence the children development. A comparative study was done to assess the cognitive and moral development of school age children among joint versus nuclear family in selected rural area of Bijapur district.
The objectives of the study were
1. To assess the level of cognitive development among school age children belongs to joint and nuclear family as measured by structured questionnaire. 2. To assess the level of moral development among school age children belongs to joint and nuclear family as measured by structured questionnaire. 3. To compare the level of cognitive development among school age children belongs to joint and nuclear family. 4. To compare the level of moral development among school age children belongs to joint and nuclear family. 5. To find out the association between cognitive and moral development of children belongs to joint and nuclear family with selected demographic variables. Null hypothesis: There is no significant difference in the cognitive and moral development among school age children of joint and nuclear family.
Non probability convenient sampling technique was used to obtain a sample from children belongs to the joint and nuclear family. Structured questionnaire was used to assess cognitive and moral development of children.
Majority of them 68% from joint family and 76% from nuclear family had excellent level of cognitive development.
Study findings also reveals that most of children belongs to joint and nuclear family (76% & 78% respectively) exhibit excellent level of moral development.
Z test was used for comparison of cognitive and moral development of school age children among joint and nuclear family. Finding shown that (CD score -1.39 & MD score -0.25) there is significance difference in joint and nuclear family in cognitive and moral development aspect.
The present study finding shows that there is influence of the family on cognitive and moral development of school age children.
Keywords: Joint and nuclear family, Cognitive and moral development, School age children.
How to cite : Khodnapur B , A comparative study to assess the cognitive and moral development of school age children among joint versus nuclear family in selected rural area of Bijapur district. J Paediatr Nurs Sci 2020;3(4):104-111
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Received : 12-12-2020
Accepted : 27-12-2020
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